Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

2020 Will Be The Year for All Things, ME

2 min read
Photo by Elaine Baylon on Reshot

Photo by Elaine Baylon on Reshot

2019 was the most challenging year of my life. So, I am starting the next decade in a different place due to unplanned and tragic circumstances, but I am here now regardless. Instead of focusing on what should have been, I am choosing to instead focus on what will be.

Through the year of challenges, I learned a lot about myself. That is after getting in touch with who I am with the assistance of therapy. I honestly don’t know that I would in the place that I am now had it not been for my willingness to go to therapy. There will never be words to express how much therapy and my therapist have changed the direction of my life.

The last seven weeks have been weeks of pain, unraveling, acceptance, and getting in touch with a ME that I never knew existed. I believe this process has put me in a better place emotionally, psychologically, and mentally than I’ve ever been in life.

So, now that I am in touch with a ME that I’ve just discovered, I am looking forward to continuing to get better acquainted. I will do so by embracing the loves of the past and finding new loves to embrace in the not so distance future.

2020 will involve:

🔸More travel, business, and pleasure.
🔸Development of more friendships.
🔸Focusing a lot more on my personal life.
🔸Dedication to becoming more physically active.
🔸Enjoying more things from my bucket list.
🔸Adding more things to my bucket list.
🔸Pampering myself more.
🔸Spending more quality time with friends.
🔸Stepping out of my comfort zone more.
🔸Living way more life.

2019 will always be a year of challenges, but it will also be a year that led to my transformation of ME.

I would love to know how you plan to make 2020 better than 2019. Check me out on FB, IG, YouTube and Twitter and let me know.

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