Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

9 1/2 Weeks, It Was Good But Not Sexy

2 min read

Photo by Matthew Awoyera on Reshot

Nine and a half weeks, and I have such a different perspective on so many things. I must admit that these weeks have changed me because these weeks have given me a different perspective on the past, and that will alter how I navigate the future.

Sometimes you need perspective on things that are beyond your reach and far away from your ability to see. Perspective like this can only come from someone with an unbiased view of your life. That has been the benefit of having a therapist.

Therapy has allowed me to gain a perspective that I would have never reached had I not gone this route. I have spilled a very small sampling of my life’s tea and gained a view that has allowed me to feel freer mentally than I’ve ever felt before. The feeling of being free is priceless.

After we tackled the grief related to the death of my dad, we started to address issues that presented after he died. A lot of issues dealt with childhood, trauma, narcissistic siblings, emotional terrorism by the narcissistic sibling, generational curses, and so much more. WHEW!

We also discussed a lot about how all of these things impacted me during childhood, how they affect me as an adult, and if my romantic relationships suffered.

Not all of these things were addressed fully by any stretch because it was so much. One of the things that I did realize was, practically everything about your childhood can have a profound impact on your adult life. Therapy has also helped me realize how many broken people there are in this world that have been influenced negatively by their childhoods.

I always realized that I had issues due to my childhood, I made sure my son was not impacted by this, as much as I could. However, there were so many things unraveled that I can’t be 100% sure he wasn’t affected. Therefore, I made him promise to see a therapist before he had children. This way, we can make sure all generational curses stop with me.

It’s been nine and a half weeks, therapy is hard, and good, but NOT sexy.

I would love to know your therapy story. So, check me out on FBIG, and Twitter to let me know! Until then, Happy Healing!

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