Broken People, Break People
1 min read
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Everyone has heard the phrase hurt people hurt others or something similar. I’m going to go one step further and say broken people, break people. One thing we’ve learned in the past year during COVID is the world is full of so many broken folks walking the earth. These folks are not just hurt, but they are damaged. Technically their challenges have nothing to do with you, personally. However, if you are involved with them, their brokenness impacts you, so you can’t remove yourself from it until you extricate yourselves from these folks.
People tend to hide who they are in the earliest stages of a relationship. They wear masks well, so we have to focus on what people are saying, what they are not saying and how that lines up with their actions. I can never stress the importance of paying attention to red flags in every stage of the relationship.
Focusing on the actions of others, observing behaviors, and following your intuitions are probably the most important things you can do in any relationship. We have to view this as a way to protect ourselves and proceed accordingly. Some red flags that will tip you off could be:
- Controlling behaviors
- Manipulation
- Behavioral Inconsistencies
- Lying
- Lack of Empathy
- Arrogant
- Envious
- Excessive Attention Seeking
- Superiority Complex
- Sense of entitlement
So, be careful out there. Protect yourself from broken people. I would love to chat about it. Check me out on my socials’.
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