Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

Christmas 2019: Letter to Dad

2 min read

Dear Dad,
2019 sucked! However, it is ending on a good note. You’ve missed so much. You would be happy about a lot and disappointed with the behaviors of some. You would love the direction that Xae and I are going in. Although this would never be your path, I know you would LOVE it.

What I’m doing today:
🔸Listening to Christmas music, which is so rare for me. I have a new favorite. Handel’s Messiah: A Soulful Christmas. YOU would love it.
🔸I baked sweet potato pie at the request of Uncle Richard.
🔸I will spend the holidays with the family that loves me, NOT your peeps because they don’t.
🔸A LOT of your friends have reached out to me today and throughout the past few months.
🔸I was asked to desecrate our family pie recipe, I was outraged, and declined.

What you missed:
🔸Uncle Richard turned 75. He had a White Party for his birthday, and YOU would have LOVED that. He wanted me there, so I made sure I was there, and it was awesome.
🔸I created a new five-year plan, which includes paying off the student loan. Mostly using OPM, you would love this plan.
🔸Trump got impeached. YOU would be laughing.
🔸I started a pretty successful blog.
🔸I started a not as successful YouTube channel.
🔸I am starting a podcast.
🔸I am going to develop and teach a class for my company. You would LOVE that.
🔸I redecorated the house with lots of red stuff you would hate that.
🔸I tossed out the futon you loved.
🔸I bought two small red chairs that you would have broken in one sitting.
🔸I started therapy, and it’s been amazing. The therapist provided some clarity on family dysfunction.
🔸Your two other children have aligned. You would be disappointed at the shenanigans.
🔸Xae and I are keeping our distance from all of your people.
🔸The therapist said keeping our distance was the right move.
🔸Your neighbors are watching out for everything. So much so, that they confronted us when Xae and I were lurking about. It was funny.
🔸Xae wants to start a business. I’m going to help him, YOU are too.

What I will do in 2020:
🔸The real estate move that I suggested for you, I will make that move now.
🔸Utilize equity to make some moves.
🔸Spend more time with people that love me.
🔸Make more friends.
🔸More exercise
🔸Travel more
🔸Love more
🔸Enjoy more life.

You taught me so much, and I will continue to live my life based on those life lessons. Some of those lessons were to stand in my truth even if it’s unpopular, always lead, and don’t follow fools. I will be embracing those lessons for the next fifty years.

You will always be my superhero.

Love forever,
The one who always has, and always will love you.

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