Coronavirus Quarantine Vibe: Doing ME
3 min read
Photo by Lorie Stevens on Reshot
๐ธRestoring Myself: I’d started doing this before the quarantine, but it has allowed me to be hyper-focused on getting things done for myself. That is something that challenged me in the past.
๐ธReinventing Myself: I’ve spent all of my life’s decades focused on being a daughter, mother, student, worker, and more. Now, I am JUST concentrating on me and discovering things I need to do to increase my happiness.
๐ธSleeping: Recently, I have been getting some of the best sleep of my life. Great sleep involves sheets with the highest thread count I can find. They are giving me life, and most importantly, giving me sleep.
๐ธMeditation: Is one of the reasons I am managing to sleep so well. At one time, I was so busy that the hours I had to sleep were minimal. When that wasn’t the case, I just could not turn my brain off enough to get real deep sleep. That has changed as well, sleep is magical, and due partially to meditation.
๐ธBubble Baths: Have always been my thing. They are a part of my nightly ritual paired with meditation that’s been giving me the best sleep of my life.
๐ธMusic: I’ve discovered some GREAT artists. Then I made one of the most killer playlists ever. I enjoy it daily while working, and beyond.
๐ธWorking Smart: I love my job, so I can’t in all honestly say I am working hard. I am enjoying every aspect of what I do, more than ever in life. So when you love what you do, it truly doesn’t feel like work.
๐ธEating Great: This challenging time has forced me to eat more vegan options and organic foods than ever. I’ve been eating way less processed foods because I am making all of my food instead of ordering out.
๐ธMinimizing News: We are living through an unprecedented and historical era. It’s horrific, and I need to protect myself from that negativities. So, I must minimize how much of the horrors I allow myself to intake. I am protecting myself from all forms of negative energy. Media is a huge part of that.
๐ธBody focus: I am focusing way more on ALL of the things my body needs. ALL.
๐ธGardening: A part of focusing your body needs pertains to what you put on your table. That starts with having access to the best foods possible. It is great to go with organics, but it’s better if you can grow your own organics, if possible.
๐ธFocusing on Boundaries: This is so important because, in the past, I was always focused on those that needed me. I was always willing to put aside my needs for others or do things to help people, even though they never were there for me. That’s over.
๐ธRealigning and Refocusing: I have needed to resolve a lot of internal struggles for a long time and pivot in my way of thinking, feeling, functioning, and moving through this world. It wasn’t easy, but I am embracing that concept 100% now. It’s an ongoing process.
๐ธFeeling Incredible: For the first time, I am feeling incredible, mind, body, soul, and spirit.
๐ธStaying In: To me, staying in means, staying healthy, and that’s pretty self-explanatory.
I would love to know your thoughts on coping in our new normal. Reach out, letโs chat on FB, IG, and Twitter. Until then, Be STRONG, Be SAFE and STAY HOME!
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