Don’t Allow People to Put You in a Box
2 min readWhen I was young, I thought to be an adult would be super cool, and you would have loads of freedom to do what you want. That has been true to a certain degree, but not entirely. You have freedom in the sense that you are no longer answerable to your parents. If you are married, you may or may not be answerable to a spouse. At which point, you traded a lack of freedom from parents for lack of freedom, from a spouse. That’s another post, though.
I find that as an adult, some of us are truly free because we live on our own terms without a care for the thoughts of others. However, some people trade their freedom for the restraints placed on them, by living in a box of popular opinion.
Allowing people to put you a box based on their expectations of your actions is hindering your ability to live your life to the fullest. I am not saying that you should behave recklessly. I’m saying your focus would be better spent on doing things that make you happy versus conforming to the opinions of others that are not living your life.
Ask yourself, why do you care about conforming to the opinions of others? Are they living your life? Are they unhappy when you fail to live your dreams? Are they impacted by your unhappiness at living your best life? If you answered NO to any of these questions, you need to think about why you are allowing people to put you in a box based on their expectations? Also, why are you allowing other so place limitations on your happiness when they are not directly impacted by your happiness?
YOU are the only one impacted by your happiness, so YOU should never allow anyone to place you in a box based on their opinions or expectations. You have one life, and it shouldn’t be lived in a box. Especially a box not created by you. Break free from the box and live your best life.
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