Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

Don’t Let Difficult Family Members RUIN Your Holidays

2 min read
Photo by nikolay_2002 on Reshot

Photo by nikolay_2002 on Reshot

Holidays are notoriously stressful for some people. That is primarily due to difficult family members and situations. Family functions around Thanksgiving and Christmas can be especially stressful because they fall within very close proximity to one another.

Holidays should be enjoyable events, but they often are not, and that’s due to family divisiveness. Sometimes the divisiveness is due to present-day conflict. Sometimes it’s due to events that predate most of the people that are the recipients of the nonsense. A LOT of family foolishness is a result of unresolved issues and generational curses. Either way, it causes undue stress on those involved and can cause the holidays to be hell.

During a recent conversation, I concluded that MOST of the family foolishness that I had experienced had absolutely nothing to do with me. Further, my forethought to opt-out of it by separating myself was the right path to take.

In a year that made me question everything, I rarely questioned my decision to continue to separate myself from divisiveness. In 2019, I learned that life is so fragile, fleeting, and we have such a short time on this earth. We should spend it with those that we love and those that love us. I will continue to do that during holidays and every day.

I would love to know how you deal with difficult family during the holidays. Check me out on FBIG, and Twitter to let me know!

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