Emotional Terrorism, the Narcissistic Sibling and Healing Childhood Trauma
2 min read
Photo by Mike Makungu on Reshot
“Do you know what Emotional Terrorism is?” was the question that was presented to me recently in my 4th therapy session. I asked the therapist what she thought of my first few weeks of spilling a very small portion of my life’s tea. She answered with a phrase, which I can’t remember now, but she went on to drop the bomb of all bomb questions on me. “Do you know what Emotional Terrorism is?”
Emotional terrorism can manifest in many ways. The form that was described involved a narcissistic sibling and resulted in childhood trauma.
The therapist went on to discuss how emotional terrorism is used to terrorize victims in a variety of ways that keep victims unsettled and upset. It’s not physical abuse, but it’s a way for abusers to inflict emotional pain on victims.
As adults, sometimes there are ways to minimize exposure to this kind of emotional terrorism. However, as a child, your options are nonexistent, unfortunately. The longer you are subjected to it, the more childhood trauma is inflicted. The childhood trauma inevitably impacts the life of the adult that was subjected to it negatively. Childhood trauma impacts probably every aspect of every relationship of the adult that endured the trauma.
The goal of dealing with any childhood trauma is to try to find a way to deal with it. First, one has to recognize that there has been a trauma inflicted and then figure out a way to unravel it. Some may be able to do this by themselves. However, some may need additional help in addressing it. Either way, to move past it and not allow it to continue to impact your adulthood, it is best to face it head-on and deal with it in the best way you deem fit. I recognize it, I’m facing it head-on and healing.
Hit me up on social media and share your healing journey with me. Good luck and happy healing!
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