Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

Getting Control of Your Fibroids

2 min read
Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

I wrote a blog during July, which was Fibroid Awareness Month. Since then, I have been making a conscious effort to gain some control of these fibroids. That’s because I need to be living my best life, and these dang fibroids are disrupting things.

I am by 
NO means a medical professional. I’m anything but, because if I remember correctly, I struggled through [FAILED] high school biology. So nothing I share on this post should be considered medical advice. Instead, you can choose to view it as my personal experience and journey.

I have been focusing on liver cleansing, increasing good gut bacterial, and balancing my estrogen. A few of the things I have been using:

🔸Liver Cleanse: I do this by drinking more water, minimizing my alcohol intake, minimizing processed foods, and white sugars.
🔸Acidophilus for increasing gut bacterial. I take one, two billion CFU capsules, three times per day.
🔸Indole – 3 – Carbinol is made from the active ingredient found in broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. It is thought to balance estrogen.
🔸Evening Primrose: This is my most recent addition to my arsenal of fibroid fighters.
🔸Finally, I use castor oil treatments, as well.

Below is a protocol that had some additional information that I thought could be helpful to those trying to gain control over their fibroids.

If you are battling fibroids, I would love to know what you are doing holistically, and naturally, to minimize the negative impact of living with fibroids, on your life. Reach out, let’s chat on FBIG, and Twitter. Until then, Happy FIBROID Healing.

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