Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

How The Coronavirus FORCED Me Into Self-care Mode

2 min read
Photo by Rodrigo Daibert on Reshot

Photo by Rodrigo Daibert on Reshot

I mentioned in quite a few other posts how I spent the majority of my life focusing on the needs of others. I never really thought about this until I started therapy over 26 weeks ago. In one of the first few sessions, my therapist asked me what I was doing for myself in the form of self-care. I still recall feeling the stupid look descending upon my face. That’s because I didn’t have an answer. She pressed because that’s what therapists do. The results of that were concluding that I’ve spent a huge amount of my life doing for others. I recently realized that my doing for others was without reciprocity. Ain’t that some shit?

A part of the sessions moving forward was getting me to shift my mind away from doing for everyone else at my own expense without doing for myself. So for weeks, I was prompted to start thinking about myself. It has been a very gradual process, and I’ve been making progress.

The Coronavirus was a bit of the ultimate test of my progress, and guess what, I did well! The universe challenged me, and I was able to pivot the right way, and toward unlearning the behavior.

During this quarantine, I put myself first with a lot of choices I had to make. That doesn’t make me care less about others, but it does make me the center of my own existence, which is something I needed to do. Guess what? The world did not come to an end, and it didn’t make me a selfish or bad person.

I did all of this by focusing on my needs first. I thought about what I wanted, what made me happy, and I created avenues to make that my reality. One of the things I did is cook ONLY for me. At one time, I would only cook if others were eating too. I realized AFTER making myself the center of my world, that I AM WORTHY of freshly cooked food even if no one else is eating.

It seems like a very small thing, but for me, it was huge. It was good to embrace that and recognize the progress that I’d made with just something this simple.

So, even after the coronavirus is over, I plan to keep that same energy because it’s a good feeling to be the center of my own universe. I’m not going back.

I would love to know your thoughts on self-care and your self-care journey. Reach out, let’s chat on FBIG, and Twitter. Until then, Love YOURSELF FIRST and BEST.

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