I’m Going To Be A Harvard Graduate – Kind Of
2 min read
Photo by @pixaby on Pexels
When I got my Master’s Degree a decade ago, it was tough. That’s because it was an accelerated program that allowed me to fast track through the process in a year instead of two years. It was probably the most challenging yet rewarding coursework I’ve ever accomplished. Although I often joked about going back to get my Ph.D., it was a joke. That’s because of how my brain is set-up for studying these days. 🥴 🥴 🥴
Before my dad passed, I had a few months to sit with him and talk. He was so sick. It was hard to see him like that, but I will always cherish those days. After more than a year has passed, I feel blessed that he chose to spend his last days with me. One day I asked him if he thought it was a good idea to go back to school to get my Ph.D.? He said, ” NO, you should just enjoy life, make money, and plan for retirement.” I agreed.
Fast forward to one year and a half later, and I am going a different route. I took the advice but in my own way. That’s what I do these days. I considered what would dad have done, then shifted to what WILL Anais do. That’s progress only attained through therapy. ANY WHO, I decided to go back to school but not for a Ph.D., but for certification, which I believe will help me enjoy life and set myself up for retirement. So, I did follow Dad’s advice but with my spin.
Back when I was in Grad school, one of my projects was to create a mock-up mobile app. Ever since that time, I’ve wanted to develop a real mobile app. I tried to teach myself, but the learning curve was just too steep. So I enrolled in a Program run by Harvard, it’s a Computer Programing Course and a Mobile App Development Course.

People always ask, “do you like really love school?” HELL NO, I really like the results of going to school for the right thing. So, I will be sharing my Coding and Mobile App Development journey with you.
It’s never too late to return to school, but remember if you do, make sure the financial result of that motivation, pays off. I would love to know your thoughts on returning to school as an adult and if you ever considered doing it? Check me out on FB, IG, YouTube and Twitter and let me know.
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