Nine Months After My Last Therapy Session, I Scheduled A NEW Session
2 min read
Writing this post has been in my brain for a few weeks, but my web host had the audacity to upgrade. That crashed my site. Sadly, I just had time to get to technical support to address the issue. ANYWHO.
It’s going on ten months since my last session with my therapist. I can honestly say I’ve been doing pretty well since I wrapped things up earlier this year. With that said, I have been recently feeling a bit challenged with life.
The past year has truly transformed my life in a way that I would have imagined last year this time. Life is pretty dang good but super overwhelming and busy at times. One of the things I’ve learned during and after my sessions is to check in with a therapist when you think it could benefit you BEFORE you become totally overwhelmed. That’s the space I’m at now. So, I thought it would be a perfect time to schedule an impromptu session with my therapist in hopes that she could provide a pathway for me during this time.
Real Estate
Around the time I posted last, I’d started one of the most involved renovation projects of my life. It has been all-consuming for the past few months, and it has left very little time for me to do anything.
That has become so important to me. However, during the past few month’s I’ve had very little time to indulge in anything beyond sleeping and grabbing a bite to eat when I remember.
Things are going great, and I feel good about my path. I am even leading the Diversity & Inclusion path to progress with my organization. That’s pretty huge because I get to lead the change instead of just talking about changes within my peer group.
That is still going strong. We went on one vacation together, and we are planning another really soon. Life is throwing a few career challenges, but we are moving through them together.
The holidays are usually pretty tough for me. However, this year for the first time, I am looking forward to the holidays. I will be decorating, hanging stockings, having a gift exchange, and even buying a real Christmas tree.
In Closing
If you notice, a lot of great things are happening in my life. I am very happy, and some great things are happening. However, I still have areas that could use some attention. That’s why I scheduled a session with my therapist. I’m so looking forward to speaking with her once again this upcoming Thursday. I will let you know how I make out.
Until next time…
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