Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Anais ForReal

Straight No Chaser

Part 3, Shock

2 min read
Photo by Arthur Bradley on Reshot

Photo by Arthur Bradley on Reshot

In Grief Diaries; Pt 2, Diagnosis we successfully got my dad over to my house.  His move to my house was a relief, but this relief didn’t last long. After dad got a bit of rest, I started to realize that he was a lot sicker than I thought.  I don’t know if the issues were directly related to cancer, but I suspected that they could be. 

Soon after he arrived, I had to take him to the Emergency room for a bladder issue. He told me that he didn’t want a catheter, but he was having some bladder draining problem. I mentioned that women get them during childbirth and he should suck it up if that’s what he needed. 

Upon getting settled in the VA, Emergency room a doctor that was in charge of his care, I learned of the many health issues that my dad had failed to tell me. I also learned that he was supposed to follow up after his initial diagnosis of Acid Reflux in the very early stages of his illness. 

I addition to stomach cancer, I was shocked to learn that he had bladder failure, kidney disease, heart disease, and an enlarged prostate. He needed a catheter immediately because he had a fluid build-up which was backing up into his kidneys. 

Dad stayed in the hospital for a few days, then went to a rehabilitation center. I got a minute to catch a breather, but that minute was very short-lived. Life was about to get very complex, little did I know. 

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