Therapy Session 37: My New Path & New Life In The Aftermath Of A Year Of EXTREME Change
4 min read
Photo by @Marcelo Chagas On Pexels
Session 37 revolved around the many changes that have happened in my life. In the past few sessions, we covered the happiness level and how I have been using my passion projects as a form of self-care. We went into much more detail about the passion projects during this hour.
The past few sessions have really been about taking everything that we’ve worked through in the past few months and seeing how those things show up in my life. Essentially, all of the hard work from the sessions are materializing, tangibly, every day.
“You are moving through life in a totally different way than when you initially started sessions. You have found your way, and you are leading your own path.”
I 100% attribute my current path to therapy and doing the work to unravel the things that were unknowingly hindering my path. The road that I was on was filled with ways that were guided not by my own thoughts totally, but of heavy influence by those that were around me. That was not necessarily a bad thing, it was just not a path created 100% by me, to fulfill MY needs, MY wants, MY desires and MY goals.
My ability to venture on my own path has been life-altering for the past few months. I am getting involved with projects that I probably would have been talked out of, previously. My ability to jump into a few passion projects has been one of the sources of MY happiness within the past few months, and I’m happy that I am pursuing these projects. Some of the projects are non-profit projects but “feel good” undertakings.
The biggest project that I’ve taken on and I discussed during this session could be life-altering in a way that is hard to comprehend. I got a Hell Yeah look from my therapist when I gave her a “very high level” of the project. It’s a three-tier project that will take every bit of knowledge from every industry I’ve ever worked in, to pull this off. It will involve digital marketing, strategy, and sales. It will additionally take every ounce of knowledge passed down from my dad.
“When we go through a transformation as you have, usually we decide what we want to take with us from the past, and what we want to leave behind.”
The knowledge gained from my father will be the foundation of this end-goal three-tiered, life-altering, game-changing project. So needless to say, I plan to take ALL of the knowledge passed down from my dad, to my present and future.
The things connected to my childhood and adulthood trauma will be all of the things I plan to leave behind. These things have no place on my new path of happiness. I don’t know that I would say I regret going through those things, because those were the things that made me into the person I now am. I almost regret that I didn’t address the issues earlier in my life. However, I believe everything happens at the pace, time and way it is supposed to happen. A change would have altered the path that I’m on now. So, for that, I acknowledge and recognize how things had to be, for me to reach the place that I am now.
“Are you excited about the project and your choices to move in this space?”
OMG, yes, and this is the most exciting thing that I’ve ever thought of with the ability, time, and resources to make a reality. I know it will be a process to move through the three-tier process to attain my end goal. I also understand that it will probably be pretty involved and not easy; however, I am extremely excited to move forward with these plans for the future.
“It really is very exciting.”
Due to Labor Day, my next session will be in a month. The next month is going to be super busy moving from plan to attainment. So much can happen in a month.
This upcoming week I will be sitting with how I am juggling these passion projects, the changes in my life and the newness of getting back out there in the single world. LAWD. That’s a whole other chapter and verse. I’ll fill you in on that in next week’s reflection segment.
I would love to know your thoughts on this session, therapy in general, and more about your journey in getting better in touch with who you are through therapy. Reach out, let’s chat on FB, IG, and Twitter. Until then, Happy Healing.
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