Therapy Session Reflections #1 – Unpacking Week 29, Relationships and More
3 min readA huge part of therapy is not the actual session but unpacking the sessions during the time AFTER the hour of weekly meetings. Sometimes within that timeframe, I could have used some extra time to process some things. That is especially the case for the very involved sessions, and I say that in retrospect, of course. However, mostly for the earlier stages of my therapy, the weekly sessions worked well.
Now that I am moving toward session 30, I will be moving to bi-weekly therapy meetings. So I will be spending a full week between sessions dedicating myself to doing more work to reflect upon, unpack and make actionable, what I learned. I hope to continue creating paths of growth and healing, where I can apply the things I learn, to everyday life scenarios.
In week 29, we covered a lot of areas in relationship building. In previous sessions, we covered related topics, which involved my need to have a very small circle of close friends. In the related discussions, my therapist and I talked about my reluctance to present myself as vulnerable, open myself to more people coming into my world and place myself in situations in which I was not in a power position. LAWD. These sessions were tough, because they made me face some VERY uncomfortable truths, but the takeaway was worth it.
Now that this information was shared, it was now my responsibility to reflect upon it, grow from it, and allow myself to recognize it when I fall into this pattern. That is if I want to alter this behavior. Those are the things that make the difference between you having success with therapy and not. If you are willing to use what you’ve unpacked to alter your behaviors, sessions can be magical. If not, umm, not so much. Your willingness TO DO THE WORK, after your hour is over is what will make therapy worth the time you put in.
So I actively used lessons learned in therapy to mold my week into one that was good.
LunchClub: I got an invite to a networking group which is an AI-driven platform that sets you up in video meetings with complete strangers, to network. Lunch club is way outside of my comfort zone because I allow the platform to pair me with random people. That is so much outside of my control thing, but I just ok’d my second meeting.
Zoom Meetings: Planned virtual meetings with my friends who I really miss seeing. I even set up my own account, so I can do this with more friends. I also had a really FUN Zoom meeting with my family.
Phone Conversations: I was never one for yapping excessively on the phone. However, recently I have been much more open to chatting with my friends. The goal here is to deepen my current relationships.
All three of these things allow me to focus on developing new relationships, strengthening current relationships, making myself more vulnerable in building these new relationships, and basically just stepping out of my comfort zone.
So I am no longer peaking at life through the peephole of my existence. I am stepping out and embracing life, even when I have no control of the outcome, and it’s WAAAY outside of my comfort zone. These actions really are my way of actively deciding to tear down the door with the peephole and actually, the entire house. So I am dedicating myself to starting fresh. That was a HUGE discussion in a few sessions.
Next week’s session will involve some of the things that were my wins and challenges:
🔸Tearing down the peephole and door
🔸Forgiveness of myself and others
🔸1 Year anniversary of my dad’s death
🔸Creating new holiday traditions
I would love to know your thoughts on putting therapy session lessons to work in everyday situations. How are you taking what you’ve learned in therapy and applying them to your life in real-time? Reach out, let’s chat on FB, IG, and Twitter. Until then, Happy Healing and Happy Unpacking.
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